March is Madness

IMG_0990March is madness.

I am madness

as I race like a tornado,

spinning, ripping and tearing

through the otherwise tranquil morning.


I am a garish blur

revolving like a vintage toy top

unaware that pre-dawn shadows

faded into filtered morning light.


I missed

the wood thrush

and his flute-like



I missed

the doe with her fawn

ears twitching

grazing near the creek


I missed the red fox

scaling the side wooden fence,

graceful and agile.


Not pup, though.

She settles onto

the sisal doormat,

nose pointed to the sky.

Careful not to miss

a single


5 thoughts on “March is Madness

  1. I never made the connection between March Madness and how we all feel so often during March because of all of the demands. I think that is one of the reasons I love the Slice of Life challenge so much. It forces us to notice all of moments that might otherwise pass us by unnoticed.

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