Word Play

Things I Like: honey roasted peanut butter, Blackwing soft lead pencils, The Bear (FX Series), truth, controlled chaos, runs with friends, oatmilk lattes, joggers, wide-ruled notebook paper, chukka boots, bucket hats, challenges, All Creatures Great and Small, Scandinavian design, University of North Carolina, solutions, cheese and crackers, foxes, wide sidewalks, routines, farm-to-table, blue skies, and thin wool socks 

Full disclosure, my “Things I Like” list is pretty lame but it accomplishes my goal: to create an example of a found poem derived from a list. At the end of the week, I’d like my students to do the same: Create a poem using items from their list. I’ll emphasize the importance of specific word choice and variety of categories.

Word Play: a Found Poem

The solution to this chaos

is not honey bears,

Carolina foxes, or

black-winged creatures.

The truth runs soft, like cheese,

runs contrary to the great design rule.

The challenge is with the friends you sock

not the pencil-thin ones you roast.

There is not a single university in the north

with enough wool 

to knit hats or Scandinavian skies.

It will take boots on the sidewalks

and joggers who rule

to chukka the farm back to its oats.

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