Heed Sage Advice

FUN FACT: Sleep literally cleans your brain. During slumber, more cerebrospinal fluid flushes through the brain to wash away harmful proteins and toxins that build up during the day. Amazing Fact Generator, Mental Floss

Is this a fun fact or a terrifying truth? Knowing how many nights I failed to meet the minimum seven hours of sleep over my lifetime–this fun fact lands in the terrifying column, along with clowns and dust mites.

I picture dams of harmful proteins and toxins blocking the healthy flow of my neural pathways. I imagine logjams of toxic substances created by the buildup of unhealthy sleep patterns. I scold myself for the lifetime of nights I deliberately skimped on sleep, choosing to burn the midnight oil rather than drift off to sleep upon delta waves.

Am I destined to develop dementia? The punishment for neglecting my most vital organ? 

Thankfully, I’ve placed brain health at the top of my Do More of… list in 2024. I’ve made sleep a priority by developing and sticking to a bedtime routine. I’ve subscribed to the NYT games app. (I hear puzzles are good for the brain.) And I combat stress by exercising four times a week.

Still, what’s done is done. I can’t get back the sleep I’ve missed over the years. 

There is a self-inflicted punishment that comes with aging: We must face the consequences of breaking the rules. Whether out of ignorance, laziness, or hubris we chose not to wear enough sunscreen, to drink too much alcohol, to consume more carbs than vegetables, and to sleep six hours instead of eight.

I hear my mom’s voice, warning my younger self. Did I listen? No, not really. Will my lack of fidelity to self care in youth stop me from being that cautionary messenger to my daughter? Absolutely not.

Writing prompt challenge from NaPoWriMo: Select and write to a fun fact from Mental Floss.

3 thoughts on “Heed Sage Advice

  1. I must admit I wish had not had so many sleepless nights BUT many of those nights were filled with fun and the carbs tasted delicious! I love that you are prioritizing your brain health. Up for a game of Scrabble?


  2. Alas, so much we could have done differently! I chuckled at “dams of harmful proteins” and “logjams of toxic substances.” We grow wiser through the wealth of our mistakes. At least that’s what I’m telling myself from here on out.


  3. Amy, I love this clever post, and I’ve just been spending some time on the Amazing Fact generator site. I’m sure to use this prompt that you have shared today. It’s very provocative. Here’s to renewed sleep patterns in your future! (And mine!) “We grow wiser through the wealth of our mistakes” is a great way to put it!


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